Was Hillary Clinton the original purveyor of fake news during the 2016 election?

Listening to Alveda King, the answer would be “yes.”

During an appearance on “The O’Reilly Factor” on Tuesday, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece blamed “fake news” for why many black Americans see Donald Trump as a “racist.”

“How did it get out that Donald Trump is a racist in the African-American community?” O’Reilly asked.

“Fake news,” King said frankly.

The race allegation was a steady theme for Clinton’s campaign.

“He has a long record of engaging in racist behavior,” Hillary said during a presidential debate.

“Of course, there’s always been a paranoid fringe in our politics, steeped in racial resentment,” Clinton said during an August speech. “But it’s never had the nominee of a major party stoking it, encouraging it, and giving it a national megaphone. Until now.”

Trump’s actions on Tuesday, however, were far different than the meme pushed by Clinton.

The president embraced King at The National Museum of African American History and Culture.

“She is a tremendous fighter for justice,” Trump said before bringing her to the podium.

“I have been watching you for so long and you are so incredible and I want to thank you for all the nice things you say about me,” Trump told King.

Trump then hugged her.