Move over, Joe Biden. You’re not the only Democrat confused about your location.

Mike Bloomberg made an appearance in Greensboro, North Carolina on Thursday, but mistakenly referred to the city as “Gainsboro.”

“Our campaign is about bringing all of the states together,” Bloomberg said from a factory.

“We have 124 people across this state and we have 8 offices, including on here in Gainsboro,” he added.

The plackard just inches from the candidate read “Greensboro, NC.”

As the audience began to groan, Bloomberg raised his voice to finish his point, “But we’re going to pull this country together and I’m not going to miss one state,” as the crowd continued to chatter.

“Small or big, east, west, north, south, whatever — this is America and it’s 50 states and I’m proud of all of them,” Bloomberg said.