Any time progressives talk about “transforming” our country, it doesn’t end well for freedom.

Democrat Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar said Democrats have big plans for America, and she used similarly ominous rhetoric as another progressive 10 years ago.

Omar said it’s a priority for Democrats to be “reshaping our government,” adding, “And that we are re-energizing the American public to again believe in a system that was built for them, and be transformed by them, as well.

“And so we are just really excited to get to work and make sure that the words we said on the campaign trail transform into legislation that will transform our government and our democracy,” Omar said.

While Congressional experts teach Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about the three branches of government, maybe they can explain to Omar that the U.S. is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

But who could she be channeling with her “transform” rhetoric?

Barack Obama’s call to “fundamentally transform” our country just days before the election.

“We’re just five days away from the fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” he told an audience prompting cheers.

Through burdensome regulations and Obamacare, transform America, he did.