A cornucopia of racialist groups thought they were going to take a bold stand against Donald Trump and the police on Saturday.

Except when the leaders turned around, no one was following.

Malik Z. Shabazz of the Black Lawyers for Justice promised 10,000 people would turn out to protest Trump and law enforcement near the site of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Shabazz and about 50 other groups, including “the Black Lives Matter Movement, the New Black Panther Party, American Indian Movement,” according to a press release, were going to appear at what organizers bill as a “massive outdoor rally and march.”

But as a plethora of photos show, only about 100 people showed — and that might be a generous estimate.

Fox News was reporting from the scene and Twitter user @TxAv8r counted 17 people in attendance — including photographers.


There seemed to be more than that, but not many. Check out this screen shot, taken while the protest was underway:

Cleveland protest

One of the speakers even vented about the lack of people.

“Why aren’t there that many people here now? Where are the people at?!? Where’s everybody at?!?” he lamented to the small crowd.