There is a fundamental difference between progressives and conservatives.

Progressives believe raising — or “shaping” — children is the job of the state, for the benefit of the collective. That’s why we see them pushing their will on parents in children, particularly in schools.

Conservatives, on the other hand, believe parents know what is best for their kids, whether it comes to school choice or the values being taught at home.

During a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation on Saturday, Hillary Clinton let Americans know in stark — and frankly, scary — terms on which side she stands.

“When you really think about it,” Clinton told the audience in Washington, DC, “the choice this November is about so much more than Democrats and Republicans.

“As Michelle Obama said at the Democratic convention, it is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four years of their lives.”

Has there been a more frightening statement made during the entire campaign?

And do parents need any more information to make an informed decision?