U.S. Sen. John McCain is running a “sponsored post” on Facebook with the intention of building support for a potential re-election campaign.

While the intended audience is unclear, the paid post is boomeranging big time.

“If I decide to stand for re-election to the United States Senate, I will give it everything I’ve got — and your continued support means a great deal to me. Please stand with me today,” the senator’s Facebook post reads.

Assuming the intended audience is comprised of Republican or conservative activists, the withering responses should give the 78-year-old senator pause.

Not a chance. Retire and let a real Republican fill the seat,” writes William Lowe in the comment section.

Mr McCain didn’t *run* for office in the past two elections; he sat still, he was a very passive candidate. No, thank you. And he’s been far too conciliatory toward a liberal DNC agenda in recent years. I wouldn’t want to vote for him to return to the Senate. No, thank you,” adds Laura Lowder.

Eric Mulford says, “Time to move on…oh wait, that was true years ago. Democrat in drag.

“Please retire,” both Corey White and Scott Cunningham say.

Thank you for your service – time to retire!” Alan Magee responds.

Barb Rogers says, “I will support him out of office.

Just join the Democrat Party. It’s where you belong,” says George Zissos.

Of the 154 comments posted at the time of this article, the overwhelming majority are critical of McCain seeking re-election.