Activists continue to channel Maxine Waters’ and Hillary Clinton’s calls to confront their opponents and be uncivil.

Ted Cruz was walking through Washington Reagan airport when he was confronted by agitators likely seeking to create a crowd and push back on him.

“You think putting a sexual assaulter on the Court is a victory for women?” a woman demanded.

As Cruz ignored the question, the woman said, “So you believe in men assaulting women?”

“I believe in due process,” Cruz responded.

“Due process? Lots of women were out there talking about their stories,” someone said.

“Do you believe in a man lying about his alcohol in front of the Senate? And perjury? Do you believe in perjury?!?” the woman continued.

“Thank you for expressing your First Amendment rights,” Cruz responded, continuing to walk through the airport.

“So why do you support a man that abuses women?” she said, unhappy with the senator’s responses.

“Shame on you, Ted Cruz!” the attention-starved woman yelled.

“God bless you, ma’am,” he responded.

“Shame on you, Ted Cruz,” she yelled, her voice getting louder.

“Shame on your, Ted Cruz!”