For all the hammering Donald Trump has taken from the media over his statements on illegal immigration and the southern border surge, it’s not having much effect on the likeliest group: Hispanics.

A poll released by One America News Network finds Nevada voters are giving Trump a commanding lead among the Republican presidential contenders:

[Republicans Primary Voters Only] Assuming you had to vote today, which 2016 GOP Candidate would you vote for? (PRNewsFoto/One America News Network)
(PRNewsFoto/One America News Network)
More interestingly, Trump “received 31.4%, higher than his overall performance of 27.7%” among Hispanic voters, according to a news release.

Scott Walker was the only other candidate to land in double digits, garnering the support of 11.4% of Hispanics.

“The strong showing by Donald Trump can’t be ignored.  Trump is clearly resonating with voters and, at least in Nevada, his 20 percent lead over Jeb Bush is commanding,” OANN CEO Robert Herring, Sr. says.

Doug Kaplan of Gravis Marketing states, “We see a significant change in Nevada from the last poll we conducted. Trump is taking the oxygen out of the room. He is taking votes from Bush and Cruz.”

Nevada Democrats continue to support Hillary Clinton.

(PRNewsFoto/One America News Network)

Poll respondents give President Obama an overall job approval rating of 42%.

Among Democrats, 73.5% give the president a thumbs-up while only 9.4% of Republicans approve of the Obama’s performance.

The random survey of 1,276 registered voters in Nevada was conducted during July 12 and 13th. According to OANN, the sample includes 623 Republican Primary participants, 416 Democratic Primary participants, and 237 planning to vote in 2016, but will not participate in the primary elections. The overall poll has a margin of error of ± 3%.