KIMT reporter Adam Sallet became part of the story when a suspected bank robber ran past him during a live broadcast.

Sallet was on the air when a bank employee ran up behind him to say the suspect had just gone past. He did not appear in the news report.

Suspect near robbery scene in Rochester during MidDaySuspected Sterling State Bank robber runs by KIMT News 3 reporter Adam Sallet on live TV. Here’s the initial video.

Posted by KIMT News 3 on Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The panicked reporter turned after hearing the bank employee say, “That guy right there — that’s the robber.”

“What? That’s the robber!” an astonished Sallet reported.

“Uhhhh, this is live TV folks, that’s the robber, just went by according to the bank employees. So I’ve gotta go here and call 911, I’ll talk to you later,” Sallet said as he ran out of the shot.

The stunned anchor said, “I can assure you that was not set up.”

Sallet was reporting on a robbery the previous day at Sterling State Bank in Rochester, Minnesota when the alleged suspect was seen across the street during the report.

After the incident, the bank released a statement saying:

“Sterling State Bank is thankful that none of our employees were harmed during the robberies that took place at our North Rochester office. We are also grateful for the fast, professional response from law enforcement in arresting a suspect in these robberies. It is our sincere hope that this individual will not be able to cause any further harm. While incidents like these are rare, it is important to know that Sterling State Bank’s internal training processes emphasize employee and customer safety above all else. All Sterling State Bank branches remain open for business and I want to personally extend a warm welcome to everyone in the community to stop in and say hello to our great staff.”