A bizarre web ad was released today that defended President Obama’s record and had the appearance of being created by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Here’s the transcript:

What do you feel when you see this footage?

Millions of people want this to become a reality, for they consider him to be a criminal!

What makes them think so? Especially, when U.S. owes him plenty for being such an enormously prosperous state.

Our healthcare became more affordable. Our schools and streets are safe from shootings, thanks to his effective policies. Migrants from Latin America, who come to our country looking for honest work, now can cross our border much easier and they feel safer than ever while doing it! No longer do we feel afraid when we hear the word “Muslim” or “Islam.” And all thanks to our successful diplomacy, which helps us build bridges between different cultures and reach out to even the most radical of their elements!

In just two terms of his presidency, we were able to help many Middle Eastern countries to break their shackles of oppression and to embrace democratic values. At this very moment, economies of those countries are changing the vector of their development to accommodate the needs of the World and to boost the prosperity of our glorious nation even further!

Considering everything I’ve just stated, it should be the judgment of every one of us, that we cannot allow enemies of the state to call our nation’s hero a political outlaw.

The verdict is – “Not guilty!”

It ends with a disclaimer from the Clinton campaign.