Amanda Carpenter made a undeniable claim that drew guffaws from the liberals on the CNN panel: Hillary Clinton has spent more time answering questions from the FBI than from the media at press conferences so far this year.

“Hillary Clinton is in a no-win situation on this. Either she’s indicted, which would be really bad for her, or she’s cleared, and then everyone thinks the system is rigged,” Carpenter said on “State of the Union.”

“But what I think is really interesting is that she’s spent more time this year taking questions from FBI investigators than reporters in any press conference and that problem is not going away, no matter what.”

Carpenter has a point.

As the Washington Post reported in June, it’s now been 212 days since Clinton has held a press conference.

As the Post notes:

The last time Clinton held a news conference, not a single vote had been cast in the Democratic primary contest. The idea of Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee was still greeted with (mostly) eye rolls and laughs. And the State Department inspector general’s office hadn’t issued a scathing report on Clinton’s decision to exclusively use a private email server to conduct her electronic correspondence while serving as the nation’s top diplomat.

That’s remarkable. And remarkably bad.

For those keeping score, the last formal press conference was December 4, 2015.