A black Facebook user spewed “hate speech” when he questioned “white privilege” and the social giant banned him for 30 days.

Mark Lutchman left the Democratic plantation and questioned why Colin Kaepernick — who is bi-racial — doesn’t identify as white.


“Know why bi-racial adults identify with their black lineage & not their white?” he wondered.

“Because there’s no benefit of being white, no privilege,” he concluded.

That earned Lutchman a 30-day ban.

“You can’t post, comment or use Messenger for 30 days,” the text lashing from Facebook read.

“This is because you previously posted something that didn’t follow our Community Standards.

“This post goes against our standards on hate speech, so no on else can see it,” Facebook lectured.

On Twitter, Lutchman, an Army National Guardsman, says he is an “aspiring future president.”

Mark Zuckerberg will likely have something to say about this American who wandered off the Democratic plantation.

“This seriously can’t be real,” Lutchman tweeted. “I don’t even know what to say right now.”