What the hell is wrong with New York?

A city that liberals hold up as a beacon of tolerance and an example for the way all of America should be was the same place where a man kicked an elderly woman in the face on the subway.

A disturbing video, which police say is from March 10, has just surfaced showing a man imitating Jackie Chan on an old lady just holding shopping bags and minding her business.

But instead of helping her, straphangers sit back and film as the woman repeatedly took a boot to the head.

Watch (viewer warning):

Subway riders groan as the woman sits and takes it.

After several kicks, the man shouts, “World Star that!” pointing at the cell phone, referring to a hip hop aggregator website.

The video shows the woman sitting and holding her face. It never shows anyone help her.

A new video shows 36-year-old Marc Gomez in handcuffs and being led out of the police station.

“Do you feel like a tough guy for repeatedly kicking a 78-year-old woman like that?” someone in the crowd shouted.

“What do you have to say for yourself, man?”

Gomez didn’t say anything as he was led into a police car.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” he was asked.

The allegedly assailant, who dared the filmer to post the attack for all to see, didn’t have anything to say.

This post has been updated to include the video of Gomez.