To New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, drunk driving should be considered a “very minor offense” as long as doesn’t lead “to any other negative outcome.”

And as such, de Balsio’s New York will not report drunk driving illegal aliens to the federal government for potential deportation.

Speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday, de Blasio said illegals convicted of grand larceny would be treated similarly.

De Blasio sought to down play the seriousness of the idea by pointing out there are “170 offenses” criminals could commit that would warrant a notification to the Feds.

“Any serious and violent crime, we’re going to work with them,” he said.

He claimed having a “small amount” of marijuana or rolling through a stop sign would not trigger such a notification.

“Anyone who’s violent, anyone who’s a serious threat to society, we agree, we’ll work with the federal partners,” de Blasio said.

“But is grand larceny or drunk driving a ‘very minor offense?'” Tapper asked.

“Drunk driving that does not lead to any other negative outcome I could define as that,” de Blasio responded.