Why ask about that ongoing FBI investigation, our what led up to four Americans dying in Benghazi, Libya, when you can ask the next potential leader of the free world “silly” questions?

Hillary phoneClinton campaign vice chair Huma Abedin sent an email to supporters Friday night inviting them to participate in a Q&A conference call with her girl crush.

She writes:

Have you always wanted to ask Hillary a question? Maybe something serious — like her plans to support military families? Or something silly — like the details about her favorite vacation?

This might be your chance: Sign up now for a special call with Hillary on Monday, June 20th, just for supporters like you.

The upcoming call is a chance to check in as we celebrate a historic milestone — this team has done some incredible work together over the last year! But we’ve got to be ready to take on a terrifying opponent in the general election, and there’s a lot left still to do.

On the call, you’ll get a chance to hear directly from Hillary about where we stand, what we’ve accomplished, and what lies ahead for us (or whatever else is on your mind). She’ll also answer a few questions, so send yours in when you RSVP.

Sign up right now to join Hillary on the phone on Monday — and don’t forget to submit your question, too!

She ends, “Hillary’s so grateful to have you on our side. I know she can’t wait to talk to you.”

To sign up for the call — and attempt to ask Hillary a serious question — go here.