Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are the Democrats’ tag team of gibberish and nonsense.

Waters, a frequent critic of President Trump and an advocate for his impeachment since the days after his inauguration, suffered a brain malfunction during “AM Joy” this weekend.

“Well, I’m disappointed,” she said of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. “I’m disappointed for a number of reasons.

“We put a lot of faith and confidence in Mueller,” Waters told Joy Reid, “and I think he did a pretty decent job. I believe that there is enough information to make a determination about there haven’t been conclusion,” she continued, before stopping to edit her speech.

“He, uh, uh, with uh, uh, collusion, rather,” she corrected. “He did not conclude that in the report. He did basically identify that there was obstruction of justice,” she insisted.

Watch the 80-year-old California congresswoman’s appearance: