A little boy wanted his parents’ new Amazon Alexa device to play “Tickle, Tickle,” and instead, he got an earful of words he’s likely never heard before.

A YouTube video posted on Thursday shows the young child speaking into the machine.

“Alexa, play tickle, tickle,” the boy says.

“You want to hear a station for porn detected,” the device says back to him.

“Porno, hot chick, amateur, sexy,” it continues as the adults attempt to intervene by shouting “No!” multiple times.

But the device continues, “Pussy, anal, dildo ring,” before the father shouts “Stop!” and the machine halts the read back of sexually explicit words.

Unrelated, Arkansas police are attempting to use information an accused killer may have received from an Amazon Alexa in a murder case.

The Tampa Bay Times reported:

Police accused James A. Bates of killing his friend Victor Collins, who was found dead in Bates’ backyard hot tub in 2015.

While searching Bates’ home, detectives discovered he owned an Amazon Echo. It’s a “smart speaker” with a personal assistant called Alexa that interprets voice commands to, say, play a song, search for something online or even buy something from amazon.com.

Authorities served Amazon with a search warrant demanding that the Seattle company release any voice recordings or data saved from Bates’ device. The company has not complied with those demands, records show. Bates has pleaded not guilty and will go on trial in 2017.

The privacy of millions of Americans who see the device go awry under their noses — such as in the case of this toddler — may hinge on this case.