For the second time this campaign, the Obama administration is giving Hillary Clinton the official presidential podium.

Photos from Clinton’s rally with Vice President Joe Biden in Scranton, Pennsylvania today showed the traditional blue podium at the center of the stage.

When Clinton and Biden arrived, Clinton addressed the crowd from behind the vice presidential seal.

Hillary Clinton Joe Biden podium

The move is undoubtedly intended to give Clinton a White House look.

Clinton greeted Biden at the airport, CNN reported, and rode with the vice president’s motorcade to the rally at Riverfront Sports:

Last month, not only did President Obama let Hillary Clinton use Air Force One to attend a campaign rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, he also let her deliver her speech behind the presidential seal.

Hillary Clinton Obama

It is customary for the seal to be affixed to the podium only when the president is about to speak.

But there it was as Hillary yelled line after line.

Is there anything else the Obama administration will do to make her look more presidential?