Donald Trump’s opponents are deploying fascist tactics in their fight against “fascism.”

Republicans in Spokane, Washington awoke Sunday to discover their campaign office had been vandalized overnight.

Party leaders said the acts should be considered “hate crimes.”

“The content of the message and slurs appears to be in retaliation for recent actions take by President Trump to increase security screenings on individuals coming into the U.S. from countries either torn apart by jihadist violence or under the control of hostile, jihadist governments,” Spokane County Republican Party Chairman Stephanie Cates said in a statement.

“Acts of vandalism motivated by race or religion are classified by the police as ‘malicious harassment’ — and commonly known as ‘hate crimes,'” she said.

“This incident brings up the issue of whether such attacks motivated by political affiliation should be included in that classification.”

Spokane Democrats, meanwhile, attempted to distance themselves from the vandalism.

“We have heard a troubling report that the @SpokaneGOP headquarters have been vandalized. The Spokane County Democrats condemns this action in the strongest possible terms and offers our assistance in the cleanup and repair,” the party wrote on Facebook.