It’s easy to lecture the world about walls when you’re protected by one.

That’s exactly what former President Barack Obama did today.

Grabien reports:

Sitting alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former President Obama lectured the current administration about its immigration policy Thursday. 

While not mentioning President Trump by name, Obama made clear to whom he was leveling his criticism.

“In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves,” Obama said. “We can’t hide behind a wall.”

As the security measures enacted to protect the former president show, talk is cheap.

Onlookers strained to take pictures of Obama, who was “behind (a) security barricade.”

The police were ready for anything that might come their way, and stood guard, protecting the wall protecting Obama:

There were concrete barriers protecting the police protecting the wall protecting Obama:

Police began days in advance, with a local paper calling the security tactics the “toughest” yet.

When Obama visited Berlin in November, security forces created a perimeter:

Barriers and heavily armed police forces protected his hotel:

But all the world heard was the our former Dear Leader saying, “We can’t hide behind a wall.”