Even more polling data is dispelling the myth that racial minorities will not support Donald Trump for president. In fact, new numbers are blowing that notion right out of the water.

trumpA Survey USA poll released today of 629 likely Republican voters in Georgia, 91% of black respondents said they would “definitely” vote for Trump, compared to 76% of white Republican voters.

Hispanic Republicans also tilted more favorably towards The Donald than whites. Seventy-eight percent said they would “definitely” vote for Trump.

Trump currently leads the field of Republican candidates, garnering the support of 35% of likely Republican primary voters in Georgia. Ben Carson comes in second with 28%.

In a head-to-head match up between Trump and Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton, 46% of respondents in Georgia said they would support Trump, compared to 37% for Clinton.

A national SurveyUSA poll released in September showed in a hypothetical match up with Clinton, Trump was ahead 45% to 40%.

The racial breakdown of the respondents was revealing in that case, too. It found 25% of black respondents said they would vote for Trump over Clinton.

When President Obama was running for re-election, despite a sputtering economy that was impacting blacks the worst, Mitt Romney was able to muster only 6% of the black vote, according to the Roper Center at the University of Connecticut.

At the time Obama was facing off against John McCain in 2008, the Republican received a measly 4%, according stats from to the Roper Center.

The Survey USA poll released today also finds a significant majority of Georgians believe race relations have gotten worse in America “in the last 8 years.”

When asked, “Over the past 8 years, have race relations generally gotten better? Gotten worse? Or stayed about the same?” only 14% of respondents answered “gotten better,” while 55% said “gotten worse.”

Digging deeper into the numbers, 58% of whites, 55% of blacks and 41% of Hispanics answered “gotten worse.”

Even 52% of Georgia Democrats answered “gotten worse.”