We know what happens when Scott Walker musters an “I don’t know” about Barack Obama’s religious faith. The wrath of the media comes down howling “how dare you!”

But what happens when Scott Walker’s faith is the subject of ridicule by a prominent left-wing publication and a former staffer for Russ Feingold and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin?

Scott Walker FoxJud Lounsbury, a Wisconsin blogger and former Democratic operative, penned a column mocking Scott Walker’s church at The Progressive titled “Speaking in Tongues Just Part of the Fun at Scott Walker’s Church.”

A 1988 Milwaukee Journal profile of the church said the congregation is “almost all white, young, and affluent.” And that “its critics say its emphasis is on saving souls while ignoring more earthly social issues, and its theology reinforces—even blesses the lifestyle of many of its members.”    

Although these churches advertise themselves as nondenominational, their beliefs mirror that of most uber-conservative Pentecostal churches, “a form of religion that is more conservative in its religious philosophy but also in the social and political philosophy that characterizes the majority of the church.”  In addition, “although Elmbrook calls itself nondenominational, couples cannot be married in the church unless they’ve had ‘born-again’ experiences.” 

“Many of those attending the church espouse an attitude that anyone that does not accept their born-again theology is not Christian,” the Milwaukee Journal article also states.

Walker’s branch, Meadowbrook, doesn’t have any female pastors or “Elders,” which are the governing body of the church. According to same Milwaukee Journal article, “the church has ordained female pastors, but cannot elect women to their Council of Elders because its constitution forbids it.”  On the church’s website, a similar note is struck when it states that women are the “weaker” partner and should obey the Bible’s teachings on submission to their husbands.

In fact, church members believe that everything in the Bible is literally true and “without error” and that Christ’s return (and the ensuing Apocalypse) is “imminent.”  

They also speak in tongues. If you’re not familiar with speaking in tongues, it’s when God supposedly speaks through a person. But God apparently doesn’t speak any of the human languages, so it all comes out as gibberish. Luckily, if a trained man of God is nearby, he can translate it all for you.

So, when Scott Walker seemed to feign ignorance on the question of whether or not President Obama was a Christian, maybe he’s being sincere. Maybe President Obama’s mainstream brand of Christianity is so foreign to Walker that he doesn’t even recognize it. 

Or, more likely, Walker doesn’t believe Obama is a real Christian because Walker’s church teaches that a real Christian has to be born-again, and Obama has never identified himself as a “born-again” Christian.

The piece is obviously dripping with mockery, ridicule, and sarcasm. And it is proof of the double standard at play.

Barack Obama’s religious faith and church are off limits, even if his Pastor famously screamed “God D*** America.” Republican candidates like Scott Walker must simply affirm his faith or endure the wrath of the press.

But here is outright mockery by a connected former Democratic staffer. You’ll see it on social media, shared among progressive activists who are looking for any chance to sneer at Walker and mock his faith.

Will Hillary Clinton have to answer for this mockery of Walker’s faith? Will Russ Feingold, a soon-to-be candidate for U.S. Senate, have to answer for the ridicule of his former staffer? Will Mike Tate and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, who have been issuing press releases demanding Walker affirm Barack Obama’s faith, comment on Walker’s faith and the ridicule found this piece?

Or do we have to wait for Rudy Giuliani to say it for anyone to pay attention?

Published with permission.