Donald Trump downplayed New York Sen. Chuck Schumer’s crying over the president’s immigration executive order stemming refugees from jihadist-infected countries.

On Monday, Trump ridiculed the Democrat leader.

“Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears,” Trump told reporters in the White House. “I’m going to ask him who is his acting coach because I know him very well. I don’t see him as a crier.

“If he is, he’s a different man. There’s about a 5% chance that it was real, but I think they were fake tears,” Trump said.

The president was referring to Schumer’s statement to the media yesterday in which he teared up while quoting the inscription on the Statue of Liberty.

“This executive order was mean-spirited and un-American,” Schumer declared while surrounded by children.

“I, as your senator from New York, will claw, scrap and fight with every fiber of my being until these orders are overturned,” he said, adding, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”