Her campaign claims she is the most qualified person to ever run for president, but does Hillary Clinton understand how technology works?

During a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday, Clinton raised her voice and yelled into the microphone so supporters in an overflow room could hear her.

The candidate was urging supporters to text her campaign or visit her website. Then she turned her attention to people not in the room.

“I know there’s a big overflow room and I’m told they can hear me,” she said, raising her voice, “so, to my friends in the overflow, we want you to be just as involved as anyone else. Thank you for coming!”

She then went back to her softer voice.

It’s well established that Clinton doesn’t understand technology as it relates to servers and email security.

But didn’t Huma tell her that silver thing in front of her face amplifies her voice electronically so it can be heard in other places other than right in front of her?