Hillary Clinton is putting David Copperfield to shame with her vanishing voter trick.

Hillary-Shrug-620x428Her base of support is disappearing right before our eyes, but unlike Copperfield, Clinton isn’t putting on an act.

On Tuesday, Clinton lost the West Virginia primary to 74-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders 51% to 36%.

That’s a stark contrast to 2008, when she trounced Barack Obama, 66.9% to 25.7% (John Edwards received 7.3%).

But perhaps what’s more shocking is the raw vote total.

In 2008, she received 240,890 votes. Yesterday, Clinton netted 84,176 votes, according to NBC — a 65% decline.

Other numbers show how the American landscape has shifted under Clinton’s feet.

According to data obtained at the polls yesterday, 33% of Democrats say they will vote for Donald Trump in November. Only 44% of Dems say they’ll vote Clinton. Twenty-one percent say they’ll support neither.