Newt Gingrich reached the end of his rope with Megyn Kelly’s obsessive coverage of the presidential soap opera and erupted on “The Kelly File” on Tuesday.

The tension grew as Kelly speculated about a potential loss of the Senate majority for Republicans, due to polling she’s read.

“I don’t take polls as seriously as people who have never run for office,” Gingrich said as they clashed about what he called “two alternative universes” — those are, early voting totals and polls.

The rubber band broke when Kelly went down a list of alleged incidents involving women and Donald Trump and she began a sentence, “If Trump is a sexual predator…”

“He’s not a sexual predator!” Gingrich fired back.

“You can’t say that. You could not defend that statement. Now, I’m sick and tired of people like you using language that’s inflammatory that’s not true!”

“I think that your defensiveness on this may speak volumes,” Kelly responded.

After pointing out the media’s obsession with Trump’s alleged behavior, but scant interest in Clinton’s private comments to bankers, Gingrich shouted, “You are fascinated with sex and you don’t care about public policy!”

“That’s what I get out of watching you tonight,” he added.

“You know what, Mr. Speaker? I am not fascinated by sex,” Kelly responded, “but I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we’re getting in the Oval Office, and I think the American voters would like to know… ”

“And therefore we’re going to send Bill Clinton back to the East Wing because after all, you are worried about sexual predators,” Gingrich shot back.

“Listen, it’s not about me,” Kelly said. “It’s about the women and men of America, and the polls show us that the women of America in particular, are very concerned about these allegations.”

“Do you want to comment on whether the Clinton ticket has a relationship with a sexual predator?” Gingrich asked.

“We on ‘The Kelly File’ have covered that story, as well, sir,” Kelly responded.

“I want to hear you use the words ‘sexual predator,'” Gingrich came back. “‘Bill Clinton sexual predator’ — I dare you. Say, ‘Bill Clinton sexual predator.'”

Kelly refused, claiming Bill Clinton is “not on the ticket.”

“The American public is less interested in the deeds of Hillary Clinton’s husband than they are in the deeds of the man who asks us to make him president, Donald Trump,” she said. “We’re going to have to leave it at that, and you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them Mr. Speaker. Thanks for being here.”

“And you, too,” Gingrich ended.