Footwear giant Reebok thinks President Trump’s compliment to the first lady of France last week was completely unacceptable.

The company actually created an infographic with its interpretation of when it’s appropriate to say “You’re in such good shape…beautiful,” as Trump did to Brigitte Macron.

The only time?

“Did you just find a forgotten action figure from your youth, unscathed after decade in your parents’ basement?”

But the company has no problem objectifying women in saucy snaps to hawk its wares. (Or is that wears?)

Check out these ads from Reebok:

How this for respect for women?

Not leaving much to the imagination here:

(Doesn’t everyone wear see-through underwear to dispose of their recyclables?)

Reebok’s selling shoes with this woman wearing nothing … but the company’s product:

Does it get any more obvious than this?

How long did it take before you saw that dog?

Yes, it’s Donald Trump that has a problem objectifying women.