An Argentinian man has died after having a sexual encounter with a scarecrow.

Police say Jose Alberto was found in his home with a scarecrow that “he had dressed up in a wig, lipstick and strap-on sex toy.”


After neighbors reported a foul smell, police forced their way into Alberto’s home in San Jose de Balcare, eastern Argentina.

According to Rodolfo Moure, a spokesman for the prosecutor:

“I initially thought there were two bodies but then I realized one was a scarecrow wearing lipstick and a long-haired wig.

“It was lying next to the deceased and had a six-inch strap-on penis.

“There were no signs of violence and we are working on the assumption that the man died during sex with the scarecrow.

“Straw had been stuffed inside the old clothes that had been sewn together to make the scarecrow.

“We are now waiting the results of an autopsy.”

There was no evidence of violence and police are working on the assumption that the man died while having sex with the scarcrow.