Want to promote that crazy over-the-hill uncle who appears to be cruising the strip cat-calling at teenagers in his outdated convertible?

“Draft Biden 2016” has the “I’m Ridin’ with Biden” sticker just for you — complete with the Obama “Hope” poster color scheme.

ridin with biden

According to DraftBiden2016.com:

Draft Biden 2016 is excited to announce our new bumper stickers, designed by volunteer David Colman. These are 4″ by 6″ oval full color with an EZ peel back and are union printed. Show your support for the VP!

Stickers are only $5 and help promote RunBidenRun.com, which then redirects the reader to DraftBiden2016.com.

Unlike the “Ready for Hillary” store, there’s currently no fire sale.

Stickers not your thing?

Also available are “Ridin’ with Biden” baby bodysuits, iPad sleeves, mousepads, dog t-shirts and even a dog hoodie.