An iPad given as a gift by Pope Francis to a Uruguayan priest went under the hammer and sold for the value of over 30 normal iPads.

France 24 reports the Pope’s iPad sold for $30,500 to a telephone bidder.

It had been given to Uruguayan priest Gonzalo Aemilius.

“May you do something good with it,” he recalls the Pope saying.

The iPad – complete with with its His Holiness Francis label and a Vatican certificate of authenticity – was donated to Francisco de Paysandu high school to raise money for programming.

An inscription on the device reads, “His Holiness Francisco. Servizio Internet Vatican, March 2013.”

Rueters notes it’s not the first time one of the Pope’s possessions has been auctioned off.

A Harley-Davidson motorbike he had received as a gift fetched 241,500 euros ($257,681) last year.