Think all of the rioting and looting going on in Baltimore is spontaneous?

Or that it’s about Freddie Gray?

Think again.

Agitators and their enablers have already launched a website,

baltimore uprising

The site is acting as a information clearinghouse for protesters, with information ranging from where to assemble to where students can receive free meals while schools are closed.

The site contact is DeRay McKeeson, who was also instrumental in the Ferguson riots.

It offers suggestions for a “protester action kit:”

A. Jail support number written on your body with permanent marker
B. Plastic gallon bags
C. Snacks/Water
D. Portable phone charger
E. Medications
F. Shatter proof goggles
G. Quick reference sheet with names (first, last) and date of birth for each member of your team/cohort and any important phone numbers and addresses
H. Medical supplies: gauze, tape L.A.W. (liquid antacid and water – Maalox and water), mask, cold pack

They’re clearly not going away anytime soon: