A new television ad running in Milwaukee and Madison media markets suggests the repeal of the prevailing wage would result in a flood of illegal aliens to Wisconsin work sites.

The new ad, paid for under the name “Protect American Jobs,” reads:

Wisconsin work sites could soon be taken over with illegal workers. Right now politicians in Madison are about to weaken the law to make it easier for state contractors to hire illegal workers for Wisconsin construction jobs. 

Is that what we need?

Call Governor Walker, Tell him to protect jobs for American workers and protect American wages. 

NO to the Illegal Worker Loophole.

Paid for by Protect American Jobs

The ad is obviously ugly, cynical, and false. Is there any evidence to suggest a repeal of the prevailing wage would create a flood of illegal immigrants to Wisconsin work sites? Would the immigration and employment laws suddenly cease to exist? Can Protect American Jobs prove this flood of illegal labor in the 18 states without a prevailing wage?The answer, of course, to all three of these questions is no.

According to documents in the public files of various television stations airing the ad, “Protect American Jobs” lists the law offices of Fox, O’Neill, and Shannon as their address and campaign finance attorney Matthew O’Neill as the registered agent.

The ad was placed by Hulsen Media Services, an ad agency that proudly boasts over 20 years of services for liberal and Democratic candidates and issues.

So who purchased the ad? The rhetoric would suggest a union like the AFL-CIO. But experience suggests that this is likely orchestrated by former speaker-turned-lobbyist John Gard and his coalition of unions, contractors, and road builders.

Authored by Collin Roth.