Congressman Mark Pocan thinks he’s pretty funny. Just check out his comedy routine from this weekend’s Wisconsin Democratic convention where he compared Marco Rubio to Ricky Ricardo, Carly Fiorina to Cruella De Vil, and Chris Christie to Jabba the Hutt.

Here are Pocan’s full transcribed remarks.

In fact, it is going to be so entertaining, in fact, I heard that Netflix is going to create a House of Cards special series just on the 2016 primary. It’s going to be called House of Cards: Jokers Gone Wild. Now, I’ve actually been leaked a casting presentation from the producers that I could share with you tonight if you’d like to see it, would you like that?” said Pocan.

“Alright, lets, if we could, our first one, Kevin from The Office as Governor Mike Huckabee. Next, Will Ferrell from The Campaign as Governor Rick Perry, but now, don’t forget, you got to put glasses on him because now he’s smart. Next, Grandpa Munster as Senator Ted Cruz. That is really really scarily eerily similar. Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy as Senator Marco Rubio. Cruella de Vil as Carly Fiorina. Will Ferrell in a second role as Senator Paul Rand. Alright, George W. Bush as Governor Jeb Bush as George W. Bush. Alfred E. Neuman as Senator Lindsey Graham. Oh, now that’s not nice, Jabba the Hutt as Governor Chris Christie, who put that in there, who put that in there, that’s just not nice. Kenneth the Page from 30 Rock as Governor Bobby Jindal, and finally a pair of flip-flops as Governor Scott Walker.”

So this is the type of humor we get from the ‘party of tolerance.’

Marco Rubio is Ricky Ricardo. Get it, because he’s Cuban!

Carly Fiorina is Cruella De Vil. Get it, because she’s a witchy evil woman!

Chris Christie is Jabba the Hutt. Get it, because he’s fat!

We can of course play the ‘if this were a Republican’ game but we all know how that goes. Just imagine how far Paul Ryan would get by comparing a Democratic politician of Cuban decent to Ricky Ricardo…

“Congressman Pocan’s offensive comments underline the sad and desperate state of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin,” said Joe Fadness, Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. “I call upon Russ Feingold and Martha Laning to immediately condemn these racist and insensitive attacks.”

Perhaps what is most interesting is that Pocan’s remarks occurred before hundreds of attendees and dozens of members of the press. Why did it take a conservative opposition research group to draw attention to these remarks? Not one member of the press thought it was in poor taste that Pocan sees Marco Rubio as a 1950’s Cuban caricature? Fat jokes are fine as long as they are directed at Chris Christie?

The only conclusion we can draw is that this was all in good fun for the attendees as well as the press.

Authored by Collin Roth.