Who says one person can’t make a difference?
Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger thinks there’s one person to blame for the delay over passage of Obamatrade: Matt Drudge.
Not Nancy Pelosi. And not 301 of his other colleagues who sided with her and against Trade Adjustment Assistance, a key provision of the plan.
Kinzinger appeared on 1440 WROK Wednesday morning and picked his target.
He said, “(TPP) does not exist yet, so there’s been a lot of, you know, if you look at Drudge or you look at Obamatrade (the website), people are saying ‘you know Paul Ryan said it’s in secret and you’ve gotta pass it to find out what’s in it,’ well that’s not true.”
The congressman added, “A lot of where this misinformation has come from, it’s actually amazing. I saw Paul Ryan on Fox & Friends and even the anchors did not really know the difference between TPA, TAA, TPA. Where a lot of the misinformation comes from by the way I think it’s this website called obamatrade.com or something.”
That website says it is “Brought to you by American Job Alliance.”
Of course, it was Congressman Paul Ryan — another Republican — who said, “It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to.”
It wasn’t a website publisher reportedly somewhere in Florida who said that. It was a Republican leader having an elitist having a Nancy Pelosi-esque “we-have-to-pass-the-bill-so-that-you-can-find-out-what-is-in-it” moment.
Kinzinger, Ryan and others have been complicit in the secrecy and have done nothing to allow the public to view details of the bill prior to consideration.
But according to the DC elites, there’s one person to blame: Matt Drudge.
h/t US of Arn
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