For all the negative attention the media has been throwing at Donald Trump, it hasn’t seemed to faze many voters.

Trump will be appearing today in the Flint area of Michigan at an event co-hosted by the Republican parties of Saginaw and Genesee counties.

Donald Trump Fox debateOrganizers say tickets have been “selling well” and they anticipate a “standing-room-only” crowd at the Birch Run Expo Center.

Saginaw County Republican Party Chairwoman Amy Carl tells Mlive “they were selling more than 100 of the $25 tickets each hour on Monday.”

“We’re gong to easily have more than 2,000 people,” Michael Moon, chairman of the Genesee County Republican Party, tells the Detroit Free Press. “Trump is going to say what he’s going to say. I may not believe everything he says, but he has the right to say it.”

Moon, a Ted Cruz supporter, believes Fox News moderators were targeting Trump during Thursday’s debate.

“I’m a huge Megyn Kelly fan, but as I watched the debate, I really thought the people on the panel were going after him. I thought, ‘They really don’t like this guy,’ ” Moon says.

According to Moon, Trump’s appearance will be a boon for the local party.

“This is going to raise a lot of money for the local parties and we’ll be able to run more local candidates,” he says. “This is the biggest thing to happen in Saginaw and Genesee County for us in over a decade.”

The Saginaw and Genesee parties are defying calls by establishment Republicans to cancel the speech.

“I heard there was going to be protesters and I welcome protesters. As long as they’re civil and obey the law. The majority of the response I’ve heard is that people are tired of establishment politicians,” according to Moon.

The Democrats will be protesting Trump at the speech, a sign they’re taking him seriously.

“We cannot let Trump’s anti-immigrant, anti-veteran beliefs be welcome anywhere in our state,” the event page created by the Michigan Democratic Party states, according to Mlive.

“Saginaw County Commissioner Cheryl Hadsall, a Democrat and Birch Run resident, said she is thrilled about the economic benefit and raised profile for the village that she anticipates with Trump’s visit,” according to the news site.