The “Black Lives Matter” rhetoric being pushing by anti-police activists is apparently being rejected by a key group: black people.

A poll by Rasmussen Reports reveals 64% of blacks polled believe the statement “All Lives Matter” is closer to their own opinion than “Black Lives Matter.” Some 78% of all respondents believe “all lives matter,” including 76% of respondents identified as “minority.”

Thirty-one percent of black voters aligned with the “black lives matter” statement. Only 9% of white voters did.

Among Democratic voters polled, 23% said black lives matter more, while 67% believe all lives matter.

The poll reveals a large majority of black voters believe political candidates raise race issues to get elected.

“66% of blacks agree with 71% of whites and 66% of other minority voters that most politicians just raise these issues to get elected,” according to the company.

Only 22% of black voters think candidates raise the issues to “address real problems.”

The poll of 1,000 voters was conducted August 17-18.