Everytown for Gun Safety, an anti-Second Amendment group co-chaired by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is using its sign-up form to encourage Americans to send a “condolence message for the WDBJ7 journalists.”
“During a morning newscast on Wednesday, two journalists with WDBJ7 in Roanoke, Virginia, were shot and killed on camera. The woman they were interviewing was critically wounded,” the group’s website reads.
“While details continue to emerge about this horrific attack, we’re coming together from all corners of the country to express our shock and heartfelt condolences to these two young journalists’ families, friends, and coworkers.
“Please use the form on this page to send a condolence message that Everytown and Moms Demand Action will deliver to WBDJ7 (sic) in the coming days.”
The so-called “condolence message” form requires the writer’s full name, e-mail address and zip code. It says the “comment” — presumably the condolence message — is “optional.”
A notice to the writer in fine print says, “We will send you email updates about this and similar campaigns.”
The American Mirror reached out to Everytown to seek comment on the notion that some believe the group is merely exploiting the deaths of the journalists to build its email list. The message was not immediately returned.
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