Hillary Clinton’s inner circle is turning downright infantile when it comes to trying to answer questions about her email server, now pretending to not know the definition of common words.

Two weeks ago, campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri stumbled and stammered during an appearance with Wolf Blitzer, groping for any sort of logical explanation for Hillary’s deleted emails.

Today, it was Brian Fallon’s turn.

He appeared on CNN in an interview in which he grew increasingly haughty, with him saying, “I don’t know what ‘wiped’ means,” three separate times.

“The emails were deleted off the server, that’s true. It’s quite possible, but I don’t know if any steps were taken to remove any metadata. So to the extent that there is further inquiry with respect to the server, they wont find anything other than what we’ve already represented which is that all the work-related emails were turned over.”

While Fallon acknowledged the emails were deleted — or “wiped,” as the guest host said — he ended up saying “uh” or “um” 36 times during the appearance.

He didn’t though, shed any light on what the definition of “is” is.