Media Matters founder and Hillary Clinton apologist David Brock appeared on MSNBC this morning to defend her against questions over her homebrewed email server.

During the interview, even Mika Brzezinski openly scoffed at Bock’s assertions that the email scandal is a “nothing burger” foisted upon the American people by those rascally conservatives at the New York Times and Obama’s FBI.

He claimed there has been “a relentless campaign of distortion that’s gone on for 6 months and I don’t think Hillary Clinton brought that on herself.”

Brzezinski was visibly befuddled by Brock’s unwillingness to concede Hillary did anything wrong. “But you can’t disagree about facts,” she said.

Call us easily distracted, but is Brock morphing into Granny from “The Beverley Hillbillies”?

You decide:

David Brock grannygranny