South Austin, Texas police are on alert after an officer using a restroom at a Corner Store gas station found a threatening message scrawled on the door.

The Austin Police Association posted a photo of the threat, which reads, “SHOOT THE COPS, OINK OINK BANG BANG, BLACK LIVES MATTER.”

The officer was taking a report at the business when he found the message and took a picture.

south austin BLM threat
Credit: Facebook/Austin Police Association

The Austin police union posted the photo on Facebook, urging officers to “watch your backs.”

“I’m pretty disappointed that it was not reported by the actual business itself and it’s unfortunate to have an officer uncover that,” Austin Police Association President Ken Casady tells KXAN. “People are certainly allowed to give their opinion, but when you call for the death of people, that is absolutely not acceptable.”

The officer filed a report on the threat, as well.

“You can be angry, you can be upset at the way things are handled and sometimes police departments do deserve criticism. I’m not saying we’re perfect, but you should never ever call for someone’s death or assassination,” according to Casady.

He adds they’re “not surprised” to see such things, but believe they come from the “vocal minority.”