Hillary Clinton is really broken up about Don Francisco no longer being on the air.

So broken up, she produced a commercial congratulating him on his longest-running “Latin variety show.”

“Hola, Don Francisco,” a glassy-eyed Hillary begins in a stiffly delivered message.

“Over the last 53 years, millions of families have spent time laughing, dancing and even singing with you,” she says.

“I’ve always liked you, so I’m not going to do that to you,” Hillary promises.

Tee hee hee.

“Instead, let me join with your countless fans and friends in saying congratulations. Thank you. I really hope you have the next act even better than what you’ve already done, my friend.”

The final episode of Francisco’s “Sábado Gigante” variety show taped Saturday, Variety reports. It drew 3.4 million total viewers.

Who’s willing to bet one of them was not Hillary Clinton?