All Billy O’Donnell wanted was a cup of coffee.

Providence Dunkin Donuts BLM
Facebook/William O’Donnell

He says all a Providence, Rhode Island Dunkin Donuts worker wanted was to send a message to a cop.

O’Donnell, who is a Providence police officer, wrote on Facebook that a coworker went to the doughnut shop Friday afternoon and the employee “was immediately rude, and didn’t appear to want to serve him in Uniform. Upon leaving he noticed what she wrote on his coffee cup. #‎blacklivesmatter?”

“Would you drink it?” O’Donnell asked. “My suggestion…….absolutely not, go to Starbucks. When is this silliness going to end. But if the store gets robbed she’ll be calling us immediately to help AND we will because that’s what we do!”

“This is unacceptable — all lives matter. We took great offense. Has it gotten to the point everywhere we go, do we have to wonder if someone is going to try and slip us something and without us knowing? Where does it end?” Providence FOP Vice President Mike Iamondi tells

He adds:

This is not a reflection on the owner, this is a single act by a single employee, and it’s unacceptable. I don’t know what Dunkin’ Donuts is going to do, they’re representing the company. I’ll tell you right now, this is not a game, we’re tired of being the whipping boys. The few random acts of police overstepping their bounds nationally, there are more incidents of police officers handling themselves in professional manner, every day.

The executive board of the police union convened and issued a statement shortly after the incident, saying it “finds this action unacceptable and discouraging,” the Providence Journal reports.

“The negativity displayed by the #Blacklivesmatter organization across this nation that is not solving any problems or issues, but making it worse for out communities. They are doing this by increasing tensions amongst police and the people they serve.”

The union believes the Dunkin Donuts worker “created a perceived safety issue to our officers.”

ABC 6 reports the franchise owner has apologized to the police officer “on behalf of Dunkin’ Donuts, and he has counseled the employee, who has apologized for the incident.”