Hillary Clinton is continuing her vote-for-me-because-I’m-a-woman campaign theme with a new ad that she’s hoping all the girls will just love.

But in doing so, she may have acknowledged that it’s not just some female New Hampshire voters who find her “bitchy.”

Hillary was prompted with the question, “Can you tell us a fun story about a world leader you’ve met?”

She responded:

There’s one that just popped into my head and that is the former prime minister of Bulgaria.

When I, as secretary of state, arrived in Sofia for a high level meeting, I got into the room at the conference table and he was just staring at me. It was a little disconcerting.

I finally said, ‘Is there something wrong?’ He goes, ‘No,’ he said, ‘I was told when your hair is pulled back you are in a bad mood.’

Well, actually, it’s a bad hair day! (laughs)