Discredited Black Lives Matter leader turned New York Daily News columnist Shaun King is calling out former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels as the poster boy for white privilege.
Daniels, who now heads Purdue University, was given a warning during a police stop near the university recently, all because he’s white, King argues.
King wrote:
Clocked at 42 miles per hour in a 20 mph zone, the officer can be seen on a dash cam pursuing Daniels for more than a minute, with flashing lights on, down one street, then another, before Daniels finally turns on a small side street and slings his door open.
Thirteen seconds into the conversation, the officer, in spite of the obvious infraction, communicates to Daniels she’s going to let him go.
What we witness is the disarming power of white power and privilege.
King goes on to describe several other completely different circumstances in which black people were not treated as nicely by police without providing any context to those cases.
“The point here is not to criticize the officer who let Mitch Daniels go, but to communicate how seemingly innocuous encounters with police often lead to dire consequences for African-Americans, but lead Mitch Daniels to write friendly thank you tweets,” King wrote.
King is a leader of the Black Lives Matter movement against police officials who gained prominence online last year from his criticism of a white police officer who shot and killed black criminal Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
“He was one of the main activists who used social media to push the ‘Hands up, Don’t shoot’ narrative that prevailed during the case,” according to The Daily Caller. “But the claim that Brown was surrendering with his hands in the air before being shot by officer Darren Wilson was disputed my numerous witnesses.”
King, a former blogger at the far-left Daily Kos, has also been called out for a host of other inaccuracies in his reporting and social justice commentary, as well as his personal history.
The activist claims to be a mixed-race black man, and has repeatedly used an alleged incident in high school as a springboard for his black power credibility.
King claims he was savagely beaten by a large gang of angry white rednecks as a sophomore at Versailles, Kentucky’s Woodford County High School in 1995, but witness statements and police reports provided to The Blaze by the detective who investigated the incident show he exaggerated the story.
King alleged in various profiles, from Rebel magazine to Forbes, that “as a 15-year-old he was beaten so badly in what was one of the first registered hate crimes in the state.”
The Blaze, The Daily Caller, and several other sites have attempted to confirm the hate crime to no avail. The Blaze did, however, contact former Versailles detective Keith Broughton, who set the record straight.
“His description of his injuries are different from what I observed,” Broughton told the site. “Keep in mind I didn’t see any X-rays or anything taken, but when I interviewed him and saw him in the emergency room he was not beaten to a pulp. His injuries appeared minor to me.”
Broughton’s police report and witness statements also only detail a one-on-one fight over $8 King allegedly demanded from the assailant’s girlfriend the day before for accidentally breaking a CD weeks earlier.
“The reason I hit Shawn (sic) is because he pushed my x-girlfriend up against the wall yesterday and threatened to break her neck over $8 dollars she owed him and I care for her and she was scared yesterday because she thought he was going to hurt her and I didn’t want to see her get hurt,” the assailant wrote in an official police statement provided to The Blaze.
Other news reports contend King isn’t even a black man, at all, but rather lied about his race to secure scholarships at the historically black Morehouse College. The police report from the 1995 incident lists King’s race as white, and Breitbart.com unearthed his birth certificate, which also shows he was born of two white parents.
King has claimed he’s the product of a white mother and a black father, and has described himself on Twitter as “mixed with a black family.”
In a Daily Kos blog, King wrote “Oprah Winfrey paid my way through Morehouse. The leadership scholarship that I received from her is why I have a college degree today. Five hundred other brothers have the same exact story.”
But Breitbart.com article this August included a copy of King’s birth certificate that lists his father as Jeffery Wayne King, and research conducted by investigative journalist Vicki Pate confirms Jeffery Wayne King is a white man with a criminal background.
The news site has also pointed out numerous other inconsistencies in King’s pieces about himself, such as the number of children he has, the number of surgeries he endured after the alleged 1995 “redneck” attack, and other claims.
The Daily Kos, where King worked as a staff writer, even ran a story about the allegations he misrepresented his past and linked to the Daily Caller story about his alleged lies.
“While I know that it’s in a right-wing publication, there was something that prevented me from instantly dismissing the article … I’ve seen a number of people on Daily Kos complain that Shaun plays fast and loose with the truth,” wrote contributor Burt Miles. “So I started to do some digging on the Internet and found a lot of information which, if true, makes me very concerned about Shaun, his motives, and how his actions could reflect badly on this site and be used to smear the Black Lives Matter movement.”
“Is there anything to all this, or is it some kind of organized smear campaign? And, if it is a smear campaign, how does it involve so many different sites, publications and individuals?” Miles wrote.
King has attempted to dispute the facts about his past, alleging his mother essentially slept around. And when he’s quested on social media about his race or the alleged redneck beating, he simply blocks users and reports them for harassment instead of countering the claims.
“Shaun King has not denied the story to me, or anyone else, as far as I know,” Pate told Breitbart. “Whenever it is mentioned on Twitter he simply blocks whoever is asking and reports them for ‘harassment.’ He did reply to one person but only to say, ‘Haters gonna hate.’ I myself have been suspended from Twitter just for posing the question.”
But King continues to pose his own loaded questions, to law enforcement, and the American public, about alleged white privilege and “police brutality” incidents across the country. He’s also labeled blacks who don’t agree with him, such as Milwaukee County Sheriff David Carke, as “uncle toms” or “sellouts.”
Fortunately, King’s shoddy reporting and alleged lies about his race and life seem to be catching up to him. When King penned a hit piece on Clarke for defending police officers, Clarke needed only three words to brush off the criticism.
“Consider the source,” Clarke told The Daily Caller.
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