It appears the Missouri snowflakes are beginning to melt after the media has shifted focus away from the twenty-something temper tantrums and to the slaughter of 128 innocents in France.

Several of the “Black Lives Matter” protesters vented on social media as news was breaking that suspected jihadists were attacking restaurants, a soccer stadium and concert hall in Paris.

rhea-bans-mizzou-tweet1It appears the user’s account was deleted after the comment, but she created a new one from which she doubled down, claiming that without a new school president, people could have died!

The media face of “Black Lives Matter,” Deray McKesson said there’s no “rank order,” and also equated the terrorist attack to the Missouri president’s apparent “white privilege.”

Another Twitter user, who uses the anonymous handle “@sleazemontana,” raged after the attacks, but not because innocents died. But because the media might start focusing on actual problems instead of manufactured ones in Missouri.

He deleted his tweet, but it was already captured. He claimed black kids are “trapped” in their rooms in Missouri and lashed out at people tweeting about Paris.

“F*ck Paris,” he said.

Meanwhile, “Nani” tweeted that Missouri and Paris aren’t in a “competition of which is worse.”