The Council on American Islamic Relations scrambled to organize a late night press conference to try to get ahead of the revelation that the San Bernardino killers had Muslim names and the act had the characteristics of terrorism.

Appearing on Fox News, best-selling author Brad Thor found the whole thing highly suspect.

“I have never seen CAIR jump into action this fast before. This is spin. This is damage control.” – Brad Thor

Posted by The Kelly File on Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Farhan Khan, the bother-in-law of one of the suspects, said he spoke to his relative a week ago. When he asked if his brother-in-law was a “religious person,” Khan said he had “no comment” and that “the investigation is going on.” He added he had “no idea.”

Thor just shook his head as host Megyn Kelly introduced him.

Kelly noted a report in which the father of the suspect, Syed Farook, told the New York Daily News, “He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

“Alarm bells, Megyn,” Thor said. “Doesn’t that bother you that the father said he was a religious person, but when a question was put directly to his brother(-in-law), he says ‘I don’t know.'”

“I have never seen CAIR jump into action this fast before. This is spin. This is damage control.

“The Muslim-American community does not need a group like CAIR representing them. This is like a pedophile sending NAMBLA out to speak for him.

“CAIR is a very bad organization with a lot of bad ties to terrorism. American Muslims, the first thing they need to do in this country is cut ties with CAIR,” Thor said.