Hillary Clinton is seeking to capitalize politically on the media firestorm over Donald Trump’s proposal to temporarily suspend allowing Muslims to enter the United States.

hillary-hijabShe sent out a campaign email tonight standing with Muslims and calling Trump’s idea “dangerous.”

“Donald Trump has made a name for himself in this election by trafficking in prejudice and paranoia. Now he says he wants to stop all Muslims from entering the United States,” the former secretary of state at the center of the Benghazi scandal writes.

“That’s a shameful idea. It’s also dangerous. At a time when America should be doing everything we can to fight radical jihadists, Mr. Trump is supplying them with new propaganda.”

She added, “Some Republicans have been quick to condemn Trump’s statements, but the truth is, many GOP candidates have also said extreme things about Muslims. Ben Carson says a Muslim shouldn’t be president, Marco Rubio compares Muslims to members of the Nazi party, and Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have suggested we should only allow Syrian refugees to come to America if they’re Christian.”

While seeking to boost her supporter list by encouraging them to sign their name and zip code on a pledge to “Stand with Hillary for a more inclusive America,” Clinton says she is “proud to be your fellow American.”

Breitbart News reports by a 3-to-1 margin, swing voters oppose President Obama’s plan to bring Muslim Syrian refugees to the United States.

The poll was taken before the San Bernardino terrorist attack, so one could safely speculate, given the circumstances of the suspects, opposition has only grown.