It’s almost as if they just want to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.

During the White House briefing Thursday, Obama spokesman Josh Earnest was asked which mass shooting would have been prevented by the new laws the president is proposing.

“Can the White House point to a recent mass shooting that would have been stopped by an assault weapons ban or stricter background checks? The evidence seems to be, in all these recent mass shootings, these folks either passed background checks or were very determined to circumvent strict gun laws that are already on the books,” Byron Tau of the Wall Street Journal asked Earnest.

“Can you point to any that would have been prevented or stopped by the proposals the White House is championing?”

“The same thing applies here, which is: It is not our view that we should wait until somebody who’s on the ‘no-fly’ list walks into a gun store, legally purchases a gun and kills a bunch of innocent Americans before we pass a law preventing it,” Earnest responded.

“That’s a common sense view. The president believes that’s in our national security and that’s why we believe quite strongly that Congress should take action to address it and close that ‘no-fly, no-buy’ loophole.”

Tau followed up, “Were any of the recent mass shooters on the ‘no-fly’ list?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” Earnest admitted. “You’ll probably have to ask the director of national intelligence to confirm that.”