In another move showing the Ted Cruz campaign for president is finding new — and humorous — ways to reach voters, the campaign bought 90 seconds of airtime during this weekend’s episode of “Saturday Night Live” to show its parody infomerical: “Cruz Christmas Classics.”

The video shows Cruz and his wife Heidi reading soon-to-be classics such as “How Obamacare Stole Christmas,” “Rudolph The Underemployed Reindeer,” “Frosty the Speaker of the House,” and even “Auditing St. Nick,” by “Lois Lerner.”

“I will audit him here or there, I will audit him anywhere!” Cruz reads.

The video shows one of Cruz’s daughters reading “The Grinch Who Lost Her Emails.”

“‘I know just what I’ll do,’ she said with a snicker, ‘I’ll use my own server and no one will be the wiser,'” the girl reads.