Jeb Bush has frequently been attacking Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump as “not serious,” but it was Bush today who talked “selfies” during a campaign speech Monday.

“It wasn’t that long ago that people wanted signatures on things,” Bush said to a group in Wast Palm Beach, Florida. “And now, forget that — ‘I want my damn selfie and I’m not leaving until I get it.’

“We spend a lot of quality time doing that,” he said, “and hoping that the person has a long enough arm, or I will take over.”

He then offered tips on taking the proper selfie.

“It’s cooler to do it diagonally, rather than straight up. Remember that. And it’s better to do it higher than lower because you look skinnier,” he said.

While the audience responded to his training session with chuckles, the older gentleman seated behind Bush on the stage didn’t seem amused.